New Home Buyer

Tax Deductions for Homeowners

Tax deductions for homeowners can vary based on factors such as location, the tax laws in effect, and individual circumstances. However, common tax deductions for homeowners in many jurisdictions often include: Mortgage Interest: Homeowners may qualify to deduct ...

How to Prevent Wire Fraud

Wire fraud is a criminal act that involves the use of electronic communication or wire transfers to defraud someone. It typically occurs when nefarious individuals mislead others to send money electronically, such as through wire transfers. The most ...

Benefits of an online application

Applying online for a mortgage is a convenient and easy way to start the process of buying a home. The E5 Home Loans online application takes only 5-10 minutes. Simply enter your contact info, income history and answer ...

Appraisal Conditions that Determine the value

Residential appraisal conditions are the factors that are taken into consideration when determining the value of a residential property. Appraisers use a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures to determine the worth of a property, including its location, ...

Home Warranty – What’s covered

New homeowners usually get a home warranty. Often it’s purchased by the seller, their gift to you in case something breaks. If the seller wasn’t so generous, purchasing a home warranty can be a wise investment to insure ...

Minimum Down Payment for Buyers

When buying a home, the down payment is the initial cash contribution applied to the purchase price.  This amount is typically reflected as a percentage of the purchase price.  For example, $15,000 for a $300,000 purchase would be ...

A Guide to Seller Concessions

Seller concessions are growing in popularity as we move to a balanced housing market. Sellers saw buyers paying $10,000 over list price a few months ago to seeing a median price reduction last week of $10,100. What might ...

Important Things to Remember When Moving

If you found yourself reading this, you’re probably moving. Before you do, here are some important things to remember when moving. Changing your Address When you move, you are responsible for handling the change of your address on ...

Closing on your Loan

Your loan is approved, and it’s time for the closing. Here’s what to expect leading up to and during the stages of closing on your home loan. Be aware, this process differs from state to state.  Depending on ...